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Trojan™ Cast Boosters C-400


Trojan™ Cast Boosters C-400


The C-400 booster (400g) is red in colour and conical to provide an effective and cost efficient means of initiation in large diameter holes exceeding 150mm in diameter. The conical shape ensures the best booster diameter to blast hole diameter configuration for the size of the booster.Trojan™ cast boosters deliver the driving force required for generating maximum initiating energy and blasting efficiency. They provide reliability, safety and durability for all underground mining, opencast mining and quarry applications. By combining high detonation velocity (7500m/s) with high density (1.6g/cm3), Trojan™ cast boosters optimise detonation pressure (225kbar*) and consistently out perform any other type of commercial boosters. *Pressure = 2.5 x Density x (Velocity)2 x 10.

Product information

Availability Region: Sub Saharan Africa
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Final product applications

  • Large diameter holes exceeding 150mm in diameter
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