Sasol in progress.

Bulk Expanfo™ 100


Bulk Expanfo™ 100


Bulk Expanfo™ 100 is used in dry opencast, quarrying applications, as a low density ANFO product for dry / easy / non-demanding conditions or any application where low energy is required. Expanfo™ is an innovative in situ ANFO (Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil) product where, in addition to natural porosity, sensitising plastic microspheres are included insitu in each ammonium nitrate prill, which is mixed with fuel oil in Mobile Manufacturing Units (MMUs). It must be noted that the microspheres remain intact during pneumatic loading, thereby allowing Expanfo™ to retain a lower density and increased sensitivity in the blast hole. This will result in a more ideal detonation behaviour and superior field performance compared to that achieved with equal volumes of standard market ANFO products.

Product information

Availability Region: Sub Saharan Africa
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Final product applications

  • Easy or non-demanding conditions or any application where low energy is required
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Sasol Place

50 Katherine Street


South Africa


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PO Box 5486


South Africa