Sasol in progress.

Bulk Expan™ 200


Bulk Expan™ 200


Bulk Expan™ 200 is a revolutionary product used as a component to produce Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil (ANFO) or Heavy ANFO blends, such as E6000HR used in hard rock conditions. Expan™ is an innovative PPAN (Porous Prilled Ammonium Nitrate) product where, in addition to natural porosity, plastic microspheres are included in each Ammonium Nitrate Prill to ensure differentiation from standard market porous prills, whilst retaining the desirable properties of the standard prills (mechanical strength, fuel absorption and free-flow-ability). The inclusion of microspheres results in prills with special properties which favourably influence the performance in Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil (ANFO) and Heavy ANFO explosive products.

Product information

Availability Region: Sub Saharan Africa
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Final product applications

  • Used to produce Expanfo™ 200 or a Heavy ANFO blend, E6000HR
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50 Katherine Street


South Africa


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