Sasol in progress.

DDS™ Emulsion


DDS™ Emulsion


DDS™ (Development Delivery System) is a proprietary, pumpable blasting intermediate and delivery system for underground development, bord and pillar and similar applications. A compact, robust delivery system mixes together intermediate product components in a fixed ratio and delivers the product into blast holes of 32mm diameter or larger at a rate of 40 - 50kg per minute. The system comprises of two blasting intermediate product components both of which are exempted and may be transported and stored as a non-explosive. The product is gassed in the blast hole to become an explosive.

Product information

Availability Region: Sub Saharan Africa
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Final product applications

  • Underground development
    Bord and pillar
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Head Office

Physical address:

Sasol Place

50 Katherine Street


South Africa


Postal address:

PO Box 5486


South Africa