Chemicals: C6+ Alcohols
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We offer our customers one of the most diversified portfolios of C6+ alcohols and surfactant derivatives worldwide that is complemented by a range of speciality chemicals including high performance specialty plasticizers, phase change materials (PCMs) and high-purity triethylaluminium. Our C6+ range offers linear, semi linear and branched, standard and customised blends and single fractions and special derivates alcohols.
ISOFOL is the registered trademark of Sasol Performance Chemicals for saturated primary alcohols with defined branching of the carbon chain. Such alcohols are chemically described as 2-alkyl-1-alkanols and are well known as Guerbet alcohols.
Please view the following website for more information on our Guerbet alcohols and derivatives:
Below you find examples of Sasol’s typical products in this category. For all other requirements please contact us.